miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008

Prepare - Aim - Fuck You

Sirviendo en el infierno para volver al cielo, debe convertirse en demonio para combatir a los demonios...

El fuego se combate con fuego y la maldad con maldad y no hay cabrona más mala en este valle de espinas que Eleanor...

Model: RBK
Textura vidrio: nighty-stock.deviantart.com/art/Broken-Glass-Textures-111...

Trapped in purgatory
A lifeless object, alive
Awaiting reprisal
Death will be their acquisition

The sky is turning red
Return to power draws near
Fall into me, the skys crimson tears
Abolish the rules made of stone

Pierced from below, souls of my treacherous past
Betrayed by many, now ornaments dripping above

Awaiting the hour of reprisal
Your time slips away

Raining blood
From a lacerated sky
Bleeding its horror
Creating my structure
Now I shall reign in blood!

******Raining Blood - Slayer******

All Rights Reserved.

(c) 2008 G. García S. Please do not use any of my images without my agreement. LEGAL ACTIONS WILL BE TAKEN IF YOU DO NOT RESPECT THIS COPYRIGHT

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